The front cover of The Capitol Hill Accessibility Guide for Visitors with Disabilities.



A Capitol Hill door.

This guide provides information on the accessible features and accommodation protocols on Capitol Hill. We hope the information provided in this guide will help ensure that your visit to our State Capitol is smooth and successful.

While we strive to make our buildings accessible for individuals with disabilities, the nature of historic buildings imposes certain restrictions. If you have additional questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact the State ADA Coordinator's Office at or 404-657-7313. We want to ensure that everyone has an enjoyable experience.

For additional accessibility-related information about Capitol Hill, please go to accessibility-capitol-hill.

The capitol building.


The capitol building.

State Capitol Building


Inside the Capitol.....................2


Sign Language Interpreters................3

Assistive Listening Systems................3

Visitors with Visual Disabilities.............3

Paul D. Coverdell Legislative Office Building



Sign Language Interpreters................4

Assistive Listening Systems................5

Visitors with Visual Disabilities.............5

James "Sloppy" Floyd Veterans Memorial Building



Capitol Commons Café..................6



Helpful Resources at a Glance................8

Building Accessibility Map..................9



An accessible entrance.

The north entrance on MLK, Jr., Drive and south entrance located on Capitol Square are accessible. To enter the building from the north entrance, push the security button on the left side of the doorway. This will notify capitol security to open the door electronically. The building is open from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, except for state holidays.

Inside the Capitol

The House and Senate galleries located on the 4th floor each have accessible seating areas. There are committee meeting and conference

rooms available throughout the building. For specific information on accessibility for the Senate gallery, contact the Secretary of the Senate's office at 404-656-5040; for the House gallery, contact the Clerk's Office at 404-656-5015; for the committee rooms, contact the Office of the Speaker at 404-656-5020.

An accessible seating area.


A wheelchair accessible women's restroom is located on the second floor, in room 233. This restroom has a power assisted door for entry and exit. A wheelchair accessible men's restroom is located on the fourth floor, adjacent to the House gallery, in room 425.

Additionally, there are men's and women's restrooms on the first, second and third floors with accessibility features.

Sign Language Interpreters

Sign language interpreting services are available for:

• meetings with legislators,

• legislative committee hearings,

• House and Senate floor sessions, and

• guided Capitol tours (see page 8: Helpful Resources).

To request a sign language interpreter for one of the above activities, please call the Georgia Office of Legislative Counsel at 404-656-5000

or send an email to

Please make your requests at least 48 hours before the service is needed.

Assistive Listening Systems

Assistive listening devices are available for use in the galleries. The systems, for the exclusive use of people who have hearing loss, are available for the duration of a particular session or meeting and must be returned immediately following the session or meeting. Receivers may be signed out from room 324 (or alternatively room

323). Call 404-655-0445 for further


A sign reading, "Senate Gallery Entrance."

Visitors with Visual Disabilities

Permanent room spaces, including House and Senate galleries, offices, hearing rooms and restrooms are designated using braille numerals with white-on-red signage. House personnel are available to assist individuals who need or desire further guidance. In addition, all elevators are equipped with audio floor notification and braille controls.



The public entrance to the Paul D. Coverdell Legislative Office Building is accessible via a ramp located in the front of the building, off of Capitol Square, adjacent to the main entrance. The building is open from 7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, except for state holidays.

A sign for the Paul D. Coverdell legislativ office building.


There are two sets of men's and women's restrooms with 38" wide toilet stalls and 32" clear opening out-swinging doors on each floor. There is a fully accessible single user restroom located on the sixth floor inside the cafeteria.

Women and Men restroom signs.

Sign Language Interpreters

Sign language interpreting services are available for:

• meetings with legislators,

• legislative committee hearings, and

• House and Senate floor sessions.

To request a sign language interpreter for one of the above activities, please call the Georgia Office of Legislative Counsel at 404-656-5000 or you may send an email to

Please make your requests at least 48 hours before the service is needed.

Assistive Listening Systems

Assistive listening devices are available for use in the House and Senate chambers, as well as rooms 406, 415, 506, 515 and 606. The systems, for the exclusive use of people who have hearing loss, are available for the

duration of a particular session or meeting and must be returned immediately following the session or meeting. Call House Communications at 404-656-0305 or the Secretary of the Senate at 404-656-5040 for further information.

A sign for Sound Mate, an assistive listening device.

Visitors with Visual Disabilities

Room number 515 written in Braille.

Permanent room spaces, including House and Senate member offices, hearing rooms, and restrooms are designated using braille numerals with white-on-red signage. Personnel are available to assist individuals who need or desire further guidance. In addition, all elevators are equipped with audio floor notification and braille controls.

An accessible entrance.

For more detailed information about wayfaring and access for Capitol Hill, or to request alternate document formats, go to or contact the State ADA Coordinator's Office by phone at 404-657-7313, TTY 404-657-9993 or via email at


An entrance.


All public entrances to the Sloppy Floyd Building are accessible.

Entrance when using MARTA

The Sloppy Floyd Building is located above the Georgia State Marta train station. The Georgia State Marta train station is located on the blue/green line. When at the Georgia State Marta station take the stairs, escalator or elevator up to the State Building. You will enter into the West Tower. Once in the building take the escalator, immediately on your left, down one level to the West Tower security guard post. The security guard post will require a valid photo I.D. to enter the tower.

An entrance.

Entrance when parking

Once parked in the Pete Hackney parking deck take the elevator or stairs to the 5th level of the parking deck which has the entrance to the pedestrian bridge. The pedestrian bridge will take you over Jesse Hill Jr. Drive and into the Butler parking deck. In the Butler parking deck take the elevator or stairs to the 3rd level (Bridge). Take the bridge into the Floyd building. You will enter the Floyd building via the East Tower. Walk across to the West Tower. The security guard post will require a valid photo I.D. to enter the tower. The Pete Hackney parking deck is located at 162 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE, Atlanta, GA 30303.


There are wheelchair accessible men's and women's restrooms located on the plaza level (East Tower side). Additionally, there are men's and women's restrooms designated as accessible in the East Tower on floors

3, 12, 16, and 20, and in the West Tower on floors 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20.

Capitol Commons Café

The Café is located on the bottom level of the building. There are elevators in both the East and West Towers that provide access to the cafeteria level.


The Georgia State Capitol building is only one block away from the Georgia State MARTA Station on the blue/green rail line. If you are coming from the red or gold rail line, exit at the Five Points Station and follow the signs to the Eastbound platform. Get on the first eastbound train and ride one stop to the Georgia State Station. Take the Piedmont Avenue exit out of the station and turn left on Piedmont Avenue. The Capitol is located one block south of the MARTA station.

The Marta train.

MARTA has eight (8) bus routes that serve Capitol Hill. For more information and route planning, contact MARTA at 404-848-5000 or visit


Parking for visitors to Capitol Hill is available for a daily fee at the following parking facilities:

• Steve Polk on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive. 65 MLK, Jr. Drive SW, Atlanta, GA 30334

• Pete Hackney at the corner of Decatur Street and Jesse Hill Jr. Drive. 162 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE, Atlanta GA 30303

• Capitol Hill public parking lot across from the State Capitol and next to Liberty Plaza going south. 216 Capitol Avenue, Atlanta GA 30334

• 15 Wall Street parking lot on Central Avenue next to Underground Atlanta. Lower Wall Street & Kimball Way, Atlanta, GA 30303.

A parking deck.

These parking facilities have accessible parking. For more information, contact the Georgia Building Authority (GBA) Parking Services at 404-656-3251.

Additional parking is available in privately operated facilities dispersed in the area.

Watch for descriptive/directional signs on the Capitol grounds which indicate accessible routes.


Assistive Listening Devices at the Capitol Building

The Capitol Post Office, 404-656-0445


Assistive Listening Devices at the Coverdell Legislative Office Building

House Communications, 404-656-0305

Secretary of the Senate, 404-656-5040


Committee Rooms

Office of the Speaker, 404-656-5020


Dining on Capitol Hill

Eurest Dining, 404-656-3850


Emergency Services

Capitol Police

Communications Room, 404-624-7281


Guided Capitol Tours (10-60 Visitors)

Georgia Capitol Museum, 404-463-4536


Parking on Capitol Hill

Georgia Building Authority Parking Services, 404-656-3251


Public Transportation to Capitol Hill

MARTA, 404-848-5000


Senate Gallery

Secretary of the Senate, 404-656-5040


Sign Language Interpreters

The Capitol and the Coverdell Legislative Office Building

Georgia Office of Legislative Counsel, 404-656-5000



State of Georgia General Information Center

Toll Free: 1.800.georgia (1-800-436-7442)

Metro Atlanta: 678.georgia (678-436-7442)



A map of Capitol Hill and the surrounding state government complex. The map includes icons for locating public parking, building entrances, cafeterias, and Marta stations.


 The ADA Office.

Contact the State ADA Coordinator's Office for more detailed information about wayfinding and access for Capitol Hill, or to request alternate document formats.

270 Washington Street, 2nd Floor, Atlanta, Georgia 30334

Phone: 404-657-7313 • Fax: 404-463-5650 • TTY: 404-657-9993

